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Microsoft Surface Studio PC Full Technical Specifications

Microsoft unveiled the Surface Studio PC at its October 26 event only a few hours ago, and now the company posted the full technical specifi...

Microsoft unveiled the Surface Studio PC at its October 26 event only a few hours ago, and now the company posted the full technical specifications of the device on its website, also revealing the available configurations that users can already pre-order.

Specifically, the Surface Studio PC will be offered in three different configurations, as it follows: 1TB storage, Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB RAM, 2GB GPU with a price of $2,999, 1TB storage, Intel Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM, 2GB GPU for $3,499, and 2TB storage, Intel Core i7 processor, 32GB RAM, 4GB GPU for $4,199.

The first configuration will ship in mid-December, while the other two will become available in early 2017, with more specifics to be announced at a later date. All models come with a Surface Pen included.
Hardware configuration
In terms of specs, the Microsoft Surface Studio all-in-one PC comes with a 28-inch PixelSense Display with a resolution of 4500x3000 pixels, 10-point multi-touch, a so-called Zero-Gravity hinge, and 3:2 aspect ratio.

As far as processors go, you can choose between quad-core 6th generation Intel Core i5 and i7, while graphics come in the form of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M 2GB GPU GDDR5 memory or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M 4GB GPU with GDDR5 memory.

There are three RAM configurations available, namely 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB, and you also receive a wide variety of connectivity options, including 4 USB 3.0 ports, a full-size SD card reader, mini DisplayPort, and 3.5mm headphone jack.

The device weighs 9.56 kg (21.07 lbs) and features dual microphones, stereo 2.1 speakers with Dolby Audio, 5.0-megapixel camera with 1080p HD video support and Windows Hello face sign-in camera. It obviously features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, and integrates an Xbox Wireless module to be able to play games with Xbox controllers.

The Surface Studio comes with everything you need to connect it to a power source and start working, including a Surface Pen, a Surface Keyboard, and a Surface Mouse, while the Surface Dial is available separately.

Display Screen: 28" PixelSense Display
Resolution: 4500 x 3000 (192 DPI)
Color settings: Adobe sRGB, DCI-P3 and Vivid Color Profiles, Individually color calibrated
Touch: 10-point multi-touch
Aspect Ratio: 3:2
Surface Pen
Zero Gravity Hinge
CPU Quad-core 6th Gen Intel Core i5 or i7
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M 2GB GPU GDDR5 memory or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M 4GB GPU GDDR5 memory
Storage Rapid hybrid drive options: 1TB or 2TB
Memory 8GB, 16GB, or 32GB RAM
Wireless Wi-Fi: 802.11ac Wi-Fi wireless networking, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n compatible
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology Xbox Wireless built-in
Cameras Windows Hello2 face sign-in camera 5.0MP front-facing camera with 1080p HD video
Audio Dual microphones
Stereo 2.1 speakers with Dolby Audio Premium
3.5mm headset jack
Buttons and keyboards Physical buttons: Volume and power
Surface Pen
Surface Keyboard
Surface Mouse
Security TPM chip for enterprise security Enterprise-grade protection with Windows Hello face sign-in
Connectivity 4 USB 3.0
Full-size SD card reader (SDXC compatible)
Mini Displayport 3.5mm headset jack Compatible with Surface Dial onscreen interaction
Dimensions and weight Display: 25.09 x 17.27 x 0.44 in (637.35 x 438.90 x 11.4 mm)
Base: 9.84 x 8.66 x 1.26 in (250.00 x 220.00 x 32.20 mm)
Weight: 21.07 lbs max (9.56 kg)



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mount-tech-maintenance: Microsoft Surface Studio PC Full Technical Specifications
Microsoft Surface Studio PC Full Technical Specifications
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