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After Headphone Jack Apple's now removing the Escape key from the keyboard

Apple is expected to take the wraps off the new-generation MacBook later this week, but thanks to a leak that happened today, we can have a ...

Apple is expected to take the wraps off the new-generation MacBook later this week, but thanks to a leak that happened today, we can have a look at one of the features that received substantial upgrades as part of the overhaul.

The MacBook Pro keyboard will come with a new so-called Magic Toolbar that is essentially a touchscreen letting you perform a wide variety of tasks, while also displaying information related to certain activities, such as Apple Pay.

But although the addition of the Magic Toolbar is the most striking change, there’s also something a little bit unexpected. Notice the ESC key in the top left corner? Of course, you don’t, because the Escape key is not there anymore and, in fact, it’s no longer there on the keyboard.

It looks like Apple has removed the Escape key completely on the new MacBook generation for a reason that’s not yet very clear, although there’s a chance that its functionality is provided by another keyboard button. Oddly enough, there’s now a delete button in there, which is essentially the existing backspace but with a different name.

The good thing is that keys now seem to be wider, which should make it a little bit more comfortable to type, while the side speakers are now symmetrically placed on the two sides of the keyboard for a more consistent look.

No power button either?
There’s also a Touch ID that’s placed right next to the OLED screen used by the Magic Toolbar, which will most likely be used for payments and for authentication across the operating system.

It has its own border, just like the iPhone Home button, and uses 3D Touch, which makes many wonder whether it incorporates the power button as well. Because no, there’s no power button either, so it’s either the Touch ID or a different way to turn on the laptop.

Additionally, Apple has also added the MacBook Pro designation at the bottom of the display, most likely in order to make the device stand out, but it remains to be seen if all models will come with similar branding or not.

One thing is clear though: Apple has made it a hobby to remove features from our devices, and after the headphone jack, another one is gone. The Escape key is no more but fortunately, macOS Sierra comes with options that allow you to reassign Escape to a different function key, so take this as the sibling of the headphone jack adapter on the iPhone.

There are also likely rumors that the next MacBook could remove standard USB ports and card support, so it might all prove to be a pretty painful transition even for hardcore fans.



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mount-tech-maintenance: After Headphone Jack Apple's now removing the Escape key from the keyboard
After Headphone Jack Apple's now removing the Escape key from the keyboard
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